clay formations
Aliso Canyon, ladders, lumber, extension cords, water pump, pump timer, nylon tent rope, nylon straps, vinyl tubing, mirror, hand clamps, ceramics, Kodak Luma projector, rain water, and single channel video (19:02 minutes), 2022.
Aliso Canyon (Video still), single channel video (19:02 minutes), 2022.
Triple Filtration, ceramics, sea glass, nylon tent rope, soil, succulent plants, rain water, and fallen branches, 4’ x 4.5’ x 4’, 2021.
Untitled, Glazed stoneware, and pyrometric cones, 16” x 16” x 5”, 2019.
Untitled, Glazed stoneware, book framed in wood with screws, found wood, and plywood, 2’ x 1’ x 0.5’, 2019.
Untitled, Glazed stoneware, wood, glue, staples, and newsprint paper, 2.5’ x 1’ x 1’, 2019.
Untitled, Glazed stoneware on found wood, 19” x 13” x 10”, 2019.
Untitled, Stoneware (glazed interior on left), found wood, and screws, 4’ x 2’ x 1’, 2019.
Untitled, Glazed stoneware, moss and clay-soil, wood, screws, and castor wheels, 32” x 28” x 10”, 2019.
Untitled, Earthenware fired with oxides, 10” x 3” x 10”, 2019.
Untitled, Wood on earthenware fired with iron oxide, 10” x 18” x 8”, 2019.
Not Your Place II, Acrylic and charcoal on canvas board with earthenware terrain, mounted on a wall pedestal 10” x 10”, 2019.
Untitled, Glazed stoneware, pyrometric cones, and hammer, 16” x 16” x 22”, 2019.
Untitled, Glazed earthenware, stained wood base. 2.5’ x 3' x 1’, 2019.
Untitled, Acrylic and charcoal on canvas, glazed stoneware and earthenware with wood displayed on wooden shelves. 8’ x 8.5’', 2019.
Filtration Test IV, Unglazed ceramic bowls with seaglass and vermiculite, watercolor pigment, watercolor paper, brush pile, water, 32 hours, 6’ x 9” x 4’, 2020.
Rough Filter, unglazed ceramic with vermiculite, 7” x 5” x 4.5”, 2021.
Additive Formation, clay, soil, sand, stones, twigs, feather, marble, 26.5” x 16” x 16.5, 2021.
In the Name of the Water, the Mother, and the Holy Spirit, glazed ceramic, 16” x 9” x 16”, 2021.
Dry Drop, glazed ceramic, 11.5” x 2.5” x 10”, 2021.
Sunset Platter, glazed ceramic, 13” x 2.5” x 11”, 2021.
Landscape Tumbler, Dimensions variable, 2021.
Landscape Tumblers and Mugs, Dimensions variable, 2021.
Landscape Mugs, Dimensions Variable, 2021.